Royal Geographical Society Off Site Safety Management (OSSM)

• 2 day course
• Royal Geographical Society accredited

The Off-Site Safety Management course (OSSM) was designed in response to concerns about safety in off-site activities. It addresses the content of legislation in this area and provides an opportunity for attendees to explore the application of the legislation in practical situations.  

The OSSM course will be appropriate for those working in a range of different situations where they are responsible for taking children/young people/adults out of their everyday environments (e.g. on geography or environmental field trips, on sporting away events, on organised activities). It aims to equip attendees with the ability to apply knowledge, understanding and problem solving skills in a range of contexts.


  • To develop knowledge and understanding of off-site safety management procedures and the ability to apply this to a range of different contexts.

  • To develop ability to plan, manage and evaluate off-site activities in order to ensure the safety of the participants.

  • To develop skills that are relevant to the workplace and which can be adapted to meet different circumstances

  • To encourage further study and promote the value of continuing professional development.

Who is it for?

The scheme is designed for adults working with both young people and adults where they will be required to plan, manage and evaluate off-site safety policies, procedures and activities. It will be particularly appropriate for teachers, lecturers, trainers and youth workers who are seeking to develop their knowledge and skills in off-site safety management. It is also relevant to those who work in organisations seeking compliance with the new British Standard, BS 8848: the specification for the provision of visits, fieldwork, expeditions, and adventurous activities, outside the United Kingdom.

Prior learning

Although there are no formal entry requirements in terms of prior learning, attendees may find it helpful to draw on previous knowledge and experience of managing safety issues in the workplace. Basic understanding of planning processes and risk assessment and safety management may also provide useful starting points. Experience of leading visits, activities or expeditions will also be beneficial.

Programme Overview

The Off-Site Safety Management course is designed to assist the delegates to develop sufficient knowledge and understanding manage groups going off-site safely.

 The content is divided into three sections each representing a vital stage in managing an off-site activity/event.

The three sections are:

1    Planning for the event

This section addresses those aspects of planning which must be completed before the group departs in order to ensure the safe management of the activity. It includes

assessing the needs of the group, arranging the necessary staffing, and undertaking a risk assessment.

2    Managing the event

This section addresses the key management requirements relating to group safety

during an activity including appropriate actions and procedures required when dealing with both minor and major incidents and contingencies. 

3    Evaluating the event

This section addresses the essential review of the whole event that must be carried out to effectively improve future planning and practice.


Learning Outcomes

Delegates following a course of study will develop skills in:

  • Planning the programme and administration for an off-site visit/event effectively

  • Identifying and working within the legal framework surrounding off-site activities

  • Assessing the needs of a group and identifying the necessary staffing

  • Undertaking reviews of safety requirements and risk assessments

  • Outlining the key requirements relating to group safety during an activity

  • Identifying appropriate actions and procedures to deal with both minor and major incidents

  • Identifying key elements of an effective post-event evaluation report

  • Preparing post-event evaluations for a specified audience


The Off-Site Safety Management course has been designed to aid delegates in developing knowledge and understanding that would enhance their performance in the workplace and thus assisting in preparing them for greater responsibility.


Prices from £180.00

Minimum of 4 and a maximum of 12 per course. Contact us to discuss prices and availability.