RLSS National Water Safety Management Programme (NWSMP) (Level 1,2,3)

• 2.5 day course
• RLSS accredited
• Flexible modular programme

The National Water Safety Management Programme (NWSMP) is a suite of interlinked training awards, specifically designed to assist those organisations with employees who work in, on or near water to meet their civil and statutory safety management obligations (especially where employees have supervisory responsibilities).


  • Enable the facilitation, encouragement and enjoyment of safer open water activity by equipping those who work in, on or near water with the necessary knowledge and skills to make informed decisions about safety.

  • Develop personal safety skills for lone workers operating in a water-based environment.

  • Develop aquatic emergency response skills.

Who is it for?

Teachers, Technicians, Outdoor Activity Instructors, Countryside Rangers, Community Safety Wardens, Dock workers, Construction workers, the Emergency Services – everyone and anyone who works in, on or near water.

Programme Overview

Level 1: Water Safety Awareness Module – 2 hours self-study, 4 hour course

For those working or supervising near water who do not have a definite intention to get into the water, for example, School Teacher taking a group on a field trip.

Level 2: Environment Specific Modules (River, Still Water, Beach) – 3-4 hours per environment

For those who have a greater likelihood of getting closer to or in the water but with a definite intention to stay within standing depth, for example, Construction Worker or Ranger working at the margins.

Level 3: In Water Rescue Module – 3-4 hour course

For those with clients/ people under their supervision who might be swimming out of their depth, for example, Outdoor Pursuit Instructor leading a deep water activity session.

Balancing Prevention and Response

The programme embraces contemporary approaches to risk management by balancing the need for simple proactive safety management practices (with a strong focus on preventative measures) alongside effective emergency response skills.


The NWSMP allows employers to construct relevant and meaningful training programmes by selecting and linking together those modules most suited to specific operational and individual needs. The programme recognises the need for flexibility, providing individual programmes which meet a wide range of training requirements across a broad spectrum of working environments.


Everyone starts with the foundation Water Safety Awareness award (a Self Study Unit followed by a half day Guided Learning Unit) and may then move onto a range of Environment Specific awards (including River, Still Water and Beach), leading, where required, to In Water Rescue Award.

Programme Development

The NWSMP is as relevant to a School Teacher as it is to a member of the Emergency Services, Countryside Ranger, Construction worker or Outdoor Pursuit Instructor. The programme has been developed in close consultation with a number of key leading bodies.


Level 1,2 and 3: £200
Level 1: £110
Level 2: £90 (+£20 per environment)
Level 2: £90

Minimum of 4 and a maximum of 12 per course. Contact us to discuss prices and availability.